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The Firefighter’s Essential Guide to Online Gig Work

If you are like most firefighters, you probably don’t work a nine to five schedule. Maybe you noted what an understatement that is, because it’s so hard to imagine keeping standard office hours.

Most firefighters work 24-hour shifts, typically about ten of those shifts per month. That’s an intense schedule, but it also means that you have a lot of free time when you’re not working. And that means that you have the potential to earn a lot of extra money by doing gig work on the side.

‌Why gig work? Because it’s a great way to earn extra cash in your spare time without committing to a second job. Doing gig work also means that you won’t have a boss. You can decide how many projects to take on, and you don’t need to work when it’s not convenient. 

‌Curious about getting involved in gig work? This article will get into some of the best part time jobs for firefighters and discuss how to find gig work. Keep reading to learn what you need to know. 


Using Your Skills to Find Gig Work

‌You can make a good income by using the skills that make you a great firefighter. After all, work as a firefighter indicates that you’re strong, you’re used to being high up, and you have a solid understanding of common safety issues. All those qualities set you apart from most people. You can use your skills to find work:

Perhaps you’re interested in gig work but you have no idea where to start? Don’t worry…we’ve got you covered. 


Starting Your Own Handyman Business

Starting your own business sounds intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. In reality, starting your own handyman business is pretty straightforward. You’ll need to figure out licensing, narrow down your services, and market yourself to customers. Here’s how…


In many states, you will need to get a license in order to work as a handyman. This process looks a little bit different in each state. Getting licensed will also vary depending on what kind of work you want to do.

‌For example, if you want to work as a professional landscaper, you may need to complete some classes. If you want to paint, or hang doors, the licensing requirements might be simpler.

‌In some states, you will not need a license unless you are charging a certain sum of money. For example, in Arizona, a handyman doesn’t need a license to do projects that cost less than $1,000. Here’s a guide to licensing requirements, state by state. 

‌Once you’ve got your license, the bureaucratic part is over. Now it’s time to build up clients and spread the word about your business.

Defining Your Business

Take some time to really think about what kind of work you want to do. The more specific you can be, the better. Do you want to do carpentry work? Do you plan to specialize in home repairs? Are you an expert at painting and plastering? There’s a lot of value in specializing. Instead of trying to do it all, maybe pick a few areas where you can really do well and where you can stand out from the competition.

‌When you’re deciding on your specialty, think about the cost of materials and about the demand for services in your region. There’s no sense in offering services that nobody in your region wants. For example, if you’re based in southern Texas, you probably won’t be able to get a lot of work installing heating systems. 

Marketing Your Business‌

Marketing may likewise sound intimidating. But in reality, marketing just means that you’re spreading the word about what you can do.

‌If you have a Facebook page, you can use that to talk about your business. You might want to create a special page that includes a phone number and an email address so that people can send you questions.‌ You can also use other social media sites, such as Instagram and Pinterest for example, to spread the word about your business.

‌Bear in mind that you’ll also potentially get free publicity from your satisfied customers. Did you do a great job building someone’s deck? Encourage them to tell their friends and neighbors! Did you install smoke detectors in the local coffee shop? Make sure everyone knows who did it so that they all call you when they need new smoke detectors!

‌You get the idea. And remember that marketing doesn’t necessarily mean bragging. It just means taking credit for a job well done.


Working with Hidrent

Maybe you don’t have the time to market your handyman business, or maybe you don’t want to jump through the bureaucratic hoops to get licensed. But you still want the work. What then?

‌After all, you already have a full time job — you don’t want to spend all of your spare time building up your side business. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just work with an agency that would help you find projects? Well, stand by!

‌Hidrent is a service that connects off-duty firefighters with local homeowners and businesses looking for handyman help. Customers log in to the site and explain what kind of service they need, and when they’d like to have the work done. Then Hidrent matches them up with an off-duty firefighter who’s a good fit for the project.

‌Customers come to Hidrent because they know the workers have already been vetted. And workers like you use the site because it means you don’t have to waste time and energy hunting for clients — you can just sign in and find new projects. It’s free to sign up, and you only work when you want to.

Visit Hidrent today to find out how you can sign up and start landing jobs right away!

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