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How Gig Labor Supports a Firefighter Lifestyle


If you work as a professional firefighter, you likely have several days off a month—as many as 20. This is a fact that takes many rookie firefighters some time to get used to. Some firefighters fill their days with dedicated hobbies or sports. But for many, extra work (and the additional cash that comes with it) is preferable. This could be via a part-time job, but short-term projects (aka gig work) may be a better option for many firefighters. 

‌If you’re considering joining the gig economy, you aren’t alone. Over 36% of US workers are part of the gig economy in some form. And as a firefighter, joining the gig economy makes a lot of sense, as we’ll discuss below. 


What Is the Gig Economy? 

To back up a bit, let’s explain the term gig economy. A gig economy is an economy where many people work as independent contractors on short-term projects, or gigs. Gigs generally allow for more flexible scheduling and independence than traditional employment.

‌The gig economy, along with freelance work, is an undeniable economic force. In 2021 alone, American freelancers contributed more than $1 trillion to the US economy. And if the percentage of people freelancing continues to grow at its current rate, freelancers will make up half the US workforce by 2027.

‌As an individual, you can participate in the gig economy in many different ways. The fun part is that you get to choose what you do. If you love plants, you could offer lawn maintenance and gardening services. Or if you want to work on something more physical, you could help with hauling projects. Whatever you are skilled at doing—and whatever people are willing to pay for—can be your contribution to the gig economy.


The Benefits of the Gig Economy

Gig jobs can benefit you as a worker in many ways. Here are a few…

Change Your Services at Any Time

If you begin freelancing and find that you don’t particularly mesh with a certain kind of work, such as cleaning gutters, you can pivot your services offered to something you do enjoy, like assembling furniture. You can also shift your focus based on the season. While you may be helping people move in the autumn, you can help hang up holiday lights throughout December. This can help you stay busy and avoid lulls in business.

Adapt to Changing Climates

Gig labor allows you to market services as they become necessary or trendy. Help people with yard cleanup or debris removal after a big storm, or assemble furniture for the latest interior decorating craze.

Set Your Own Hours

As an independent contractor, you can set your own hours. If you find that you’re more productive early in the morning, you can choose to only work in the mornings. It’s that simple. And if you have an event coming up, you can easily adjust the hours you work to accommodate for that.

Set Your Own Prices

You can set your own prices for services as an independent contractor. Of course, in order to be hired, you will need to charge a competitive rate. As you build a reputation for quality work and gain positive reviews, you will be able to raise your prices accordingly. 


Why Should Firefighters Consider Joining the Gig Economy? 

It turns out that firefighting lends itself quite well to the gig economy… ‌

You Have the Time

Working in 24-hour shifts has a big benefit: several days off. This may leave you eager to find work on the days when you aren’t on duty at the station. With around 20 days off per month, firefighters can spend time on longer freelance projects, even ones that extend by days or even weeks.

You’re Helping the Community

You can work for members of the community that need your help. For example, older people often have mobility issues which prevent them from taking on certain tasks, like cleaning gutters and lawn maintenance. You could be a great help to these community members while you’re earning extra income. It’s a win for both of you, and it helps your community stay beautiful. ‌

You Have In-Demand Skills

As a firefighter, you have skills that your community needs. Some of these skills include:‌

You Can Take Time Off as Needed

Firefighting is a tough job, and your precious days off can be protected for spending time with family, enjoying hobbies, or simply cooling off from a particularly stressful shift. By freelancing rather than getting a part-time job, you can set your own schedule and take time off as needed. 

It’s a Great Way to Stay in Shape

Depending on the gigs you take on, you can stay in shape while earning money. For example, hauling heavy stuff can be a great way to keep up with your strength training. It’s also pretty great practice for lifting heavy objects while in a rescue situation. Why pay a gym when you can do a job that pays you?

You Can Earn Extra Cash

This point may be a bit obvious, but joining the gig economy can be a great way to supplement your income. Whether you’re saving for a big purchase, looking to invest, or simply wanting to pad your savings account, working in your spare time can add up more quickly than you would realize. 



Firefighting and the gig economy really go hand in hand.  The flexibility it affords means that you can work more when you need to, and less when you have personal matters to attend to or just need the time off. You can use your off-duty days to supplement your income and serve your community.

‌If you’re interested in the gig economy but could use a hand getting started, consider trying out Hidrent. Hidrent is the only task-based online service dedicated to connecting off-duty firefighters with gigs. Optimize your time off with an intuitive mobile app that can connect you with members of your community who need your help. 

To get started, download the free Hidrent Pro app today for iOS or Android.

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