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Happy Father’s Day!

First off, wishing a very happy one to all the fathers and father figures out there. If there is one holiday that’s associated with getting things done around the house and yard, it’s Father’s Day…maybe because for so many of us, that was or still is Dad’s Domain. You might well fill that role in your household now, and if you do, we hope you are feeling appreciated!

For so many who don’t have the hands-on fix-it ability around the house, you often either seek it or provide it as an affiliated member of Hidrent. It’s our honor and our mission to help connect firefighters with the jobs available in your neighborhood, and we always want to know how we’re doing at that. There are many handymen and -women out there (of various qualifications and abilities), but none that consistently provide the dependable, affordable, professional help that our affiliated firefighters can provide.


All around the country, communities are roaring back to life and returning to a normalcy that has been absent for nearly 16 months. In many ways, this has meant taking stock of where the COVID-19 pandemic left us and how it has changed things. You may have come face to face with the disease’s deadly effects in your job or your family, and our hearts continue to go out to anyone who has. By now, public safety measures have relaxed or disappeared entirely in much of the country, although the threat of contagion will remain significant for a long time to come.

Meanwhile, disruptions in distribution chains have resulted in skyrocketing prices for many goods, including construction and maintenance materials: lumber, for example, now costs triple what it did in April 2020, on average! If you’re working on the side or paying others for a job, you’re well aware of this too. Despite this, homeowners have largely decided to now move ahead with projects that may have been put off last year, and work is plentiful. One thing that hasn’t changed is the reliability, honesty and safety our Hidrent clients know they can expect from our firefighters.


As always, we ask that if you’re benefiting from this service either as a client or a provider, you spread the word! There is no better promotion for this unique endeavor than word of mouth. We remain the only service app exclusively connecting off-duty firefighters with homeowners and businesses, and hope that in doing so, we are supporting your needs or your livelihood.

The comment section here on this blog is for you, as this is intended to be a place for both pertinent firefighter topics and homeowner tips/advice. What could or should we be covering in this forum that you would find of value?

Our thanks always,
Your friends at Hidrent

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