Firefighters and EMTs are uniquely qualified to continue serving their community during their time off. Now, you can support the firefighters and EMTs that take care of your community day and night. Hiring an off-duty firefighter or EMT will supplement their income and leverage their skills and expertise – while you get the help you need from someone you can trust to get the job done right.
Perfect for the Seniors out there
"Russell was awesome! So kind and very quick with my repair. Perfect for the Seniors out there. I will definitely use them again. I’m glad that he helped me and I was able to help him for extra cash when he is off as a fireman. Thank you all for keeping us safe! Wonderful company! Very easy to schedule appointments."
-Maria H
Easy to use, safe, and the results are fantastic
-Ana M
It just doesn’t get any better
- Dolly V
I will definitely use this again
- Eddie G
Amazing in every way possible!
- Suzanne H
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